Sunday, January 10, 2010

A-musing on Pantless Sunday

I can't believe a third of the month of January is already history! Wasn't it just New Years' Eve? Something should be done to celebrate this milestone. I think the winter months should be rife with celebrations - all kinds of strange and wonderful ones. about getting on the subway trains and buses without any pants on? What? That idea's already taken?

Oh yes! I just heard on the news that today was "Pantless Sunday" on the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission). Lots of (young) people boarded the subways and buses dressed in fancy underwear with some sporting killer socks as well. Winter fun in Canada!

Around here, within the walls of our home, pantless days are everyday events.

Just googled "Pantless Sunday" and found out it's not only a Canadian thing. NYC and Boston, and even Barcelona have it going. I wonder how many other cities are in on this? I say it's not a big deal unless you live where the weather is br-r-r-r-r-iskly chilly.

Mr. Strongarm son went back to university tonight - with his pants on. His classes begin tomorrow at 10:30 AM. That's early, he says. First class should be at 1 PM, he thinks. I offered him the parental platitude "Life doesn't work like that", but secretly I agree with him. I stay up until the wee hours and sleep in every day. It follows naturally that when youngest son is at home, so does he. It's not that I don't enjoy getting up early - I've always loved the early mornings. However, it has been a life-long struggle to actually get up and now that I don't have to, I don't.

My friend and her daughter went to Las Vegas today. That is one place I don't have one iota of interest in. Except for the fact that my best friend from university lives there, I have no reason to go. My friend who went doesn't like LV, either. She's been there before. But when it's a free trip provided by your hubby's work, you make the sacrifice. I hope she wins some money. And has a sexy drink or two. Or three.

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